Wednesday, August 26, 2020
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture
History, Names, and Role of Dogs in Japanese Culture The Japanese word for hound is inu. You can compose inu in either hiragana or kanji, however since the kanji character for hound is very basic, have a go at figuring out how to compose it in kanji. Common Japanese canines incorporate Akita, Tosa, and Shiba breeds. The onomatopoeic expression for a mutts bark is wan-wan. In Japan, the canine is accepted to have been trained as ahead of schedule as the Jomon time frame (10,000 B.C.). White mutts are believed to be particularly propitious and frequently show up in people stories, (for example, Hanasaka jiisan). In the Edo time frame, Tokugawa Tsuneyoshi, the fifth shogun and a passionate Buddhist, requested the assurance all things considered, particularly hounds. His guidelines concerning hounds were outrageous to such an extent that he was derided as the Inu Shogun. A later story is the story of Hachiko, the chuuken or loyal pooch from the 1920s. Hachiko met his lord at Shibuya station toward the finish of each workday. Much after his lord kicked the bucket one day at work, Hachiko kept on sitting tight at the station for a long time. He turned into a famous image of dedication. After his demise, Hachikos body was placed in an exhibition hall, and there is a bronze sculpture of him before Shibuya station. Basic expressions alluding to inu are as basic in Japan as they are in the West. Inujini, to kick the bucket like pooch, is to pass on uselessly. To consider somebody a pooch is to blame the person in question for being a government agent or trick. Inu mo arukeba bou ni ataru or when the canine strolls, it stumbles into a stick is a typical saying, implying that when you stroll outside, you might meet with a surprising fortune. Kobanashi: Ji no Yomenu Inu Here is a kobanashi (clever story) named Ji no Yomenu Inu, or The Dog That Can’t Read.†Inu no daikiraina otoko ga, tomodachi ni kikimashita.†Naa, inu ga itemo heiki de tooreru houhou wa nai darou ka.††Soitsu wa, kantanna koto sa.Te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite oite, inu ga itara soitsu o miseru n da.Suruto inu wa okkanagatte nigeru kara.††Fumu fumu. Soitsu wa, yoi koto o kiita.†Otoko wa sassoku, te no hira ni tora to iu ji o kaite dekakemashita.Shibaraku iku to, mukou kara ookina inu ga yatte kimasu.Yoshi, sassoku tameshite yarou.Otoko wa te no hira o, inu no mae ni tsukidashimashita.Suruto inu wa isshun bikkuri shita monono, ookina kuchi o akete sono te o gaburi to kandan desu. Tsugi no howdy, te o kamareta otoko ga tomodachi ni monku o iimashita.†Yai, oame no iu youni, te ni tora to iu ji o kaite inu ni meseta ga, hore kono youni, kuitsukarete shimatta wa.†Suruto tomodachi wa, kou iimashita.†Yare yare, sore wa fuun na koto da. Osoraku sono inu wa, ji no yomenu inu darou.†Language structure In the above story, â€Å"fumu fumu,†â€Å"yoshi,†and â€Å"yare yare†are Japanese contributions. â€Å"Fumu fumu†can be deciphered as, â€Å"Hmm,†or, â€Å"I see.†â€Å"Yare yare,†portrays a moan of alleviation. Here are a few models. Yoshi, sore ni kimeta: OK, I am sold on that idea!Yoshi, hikiukeyou: All right, I will take it on.Yare yare, yatto tsuita: Well, here we are at last.Yare yare, kore de tasukatta: Hallelujah! We are sheltered finally.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Consommation (in French) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Consommation (in French) - Essay Example Mais cette expã ©rience moderne est trã ¨s diffã ©rente de celle du passã ©, quand faire les achats à ©tait un processus in addition to long, qui demandait in addition to d’ã ©nergie. Aujourd’hui, je suis sã »r que les produits procurã ©s dans le supermarchã © sont de bonne qualitã ©, puisqu’ils sont bien rã ©glementã ©s et bien gã ©rã ©. Le stock contient une gamme variã ©e de produits, mã ªme des apparats à ©lectriques, qui sont moins cher que les autres produits dans les petits magasins. Je pense qu’il vaut mieux acheter des produits qui sont situã ©s sous le mã ªme toit ou je suis in addition to attentif à ce que j’achã ¨te. Faire des courses est, donc, une expã ©rience rafraã ®chissante et simple. Mais quand j’ã ©tais enfant, jhabitais dans une modest ville en Irlande dans les annã ©es quatre vingt, ou il ny avait pas de grandes chaã ®nes de supermarchã ©s. Mama famille et moi faisaient les achats le samedi matin dans un marchã © ou nous achetions nos natural products et nos lã ©gumes; il prenait au moins quatre heures pour finir les courses. On trouvait du torment à la boulangerie et de la viande à la boucherie, ou les produits à ©taient toujours frais et personne n’ã ©tait mã ©fiant de leur bonne qualitã ©. En additionally, mama mã ¨re parlait avec les autres customers, donc on sentait une strength sensation dappartenir à la communautã © et les petites entreprises et commerã §ants à ©taient une partie de notre culture et notre identitã ©. J’ai alors pris cette convention avec moi et aujourd’hui, je vais aussi aux petits commerã §ants pour certains ingrã ©dients, comme torment, lait, fromage ou chocolat parce que mama famille en mange beaucoup. Maintenant, les petites entreprises ont disparu et ont à ©tã © remplacã ©es standard les grandes chaã ®nes de supermarchã ©s. Toutefois, je ne suis pas triste; on the contrary, jaime la convenance moderne. Je crois que les communautã ©s ont besoin dun focus business proche pour acheter les choses nã ©cessaires sans excellent exertion. Aussi, nous habitons dans une sociã ©tã © multiculturelle et cest significant
Saturday, August 15, 2020
More For Deferred Students
More For Deferred Students So, if youve been deferred, you may be asking, What now? Is it all over for me? At MIT, a deferral isnt just a polite rejection. Your application will once again be considered by the committee during regular action. You are at no advantage or disadvantage versus the regular action applications. We will admit the best applications we can during regular action, regardless of when the application was submitted. (A little historical data: last year, we admitted 295 deferred students during regular action, 267 the year before, and 326 the year before that) What should I do now? I recommend spending the next few weeks before January 1 working on regular action applications for other schools. You should still put the same energy and thought you put into your MIT application into your other applications. [But MIT is my dream school, I cant imagine being happy anywhere else!] [This doesnt apply to everyone, but occasionally some students become so focused on MIT they cant see all the other amazing schools that are out there. For those students who are really attracted to MITs campus culture, Ive found these students often are also happy at many other schools, including Caltech (January 2 deadline), Carnegie Mellon (Jan. 1), Cooper Union (varies), Harvey Mudd (Jan. 15), Olin College (Jan. 1), RPI (Jan. 15), and the University of Chicago (Jan. 2). For those students who particularly like the Boston area, you can also look at Boston College (Jan. 1), Boston University (Jan. 1), Brandeis University (Jan. 15), Harvard University (Jan. 1), Northeastern University (Jan. 15), Tufts University (Jan. 1), and Wellesley College (Jan. 15), among others.] Should I send in extra materials? The only thing we ask that you send in is the midyear grade report. You can download one off of the MyMIT website if you need one. Your semester grades are very important so keep working hard. Wed like this report as soon as possible after your grades are available; by the beginning of February would be great, but definitely by the end of February. You may also want to keep us up-to-date with any news in your life. This is not required nor is it expected, but if anything exciting happens definitely let us know. Its best if you send any such letter by the end of January, but you may keep us in the loop through the time we mail regular action decisions in mid-March. Should I send in a whole new version of my application, or all new essays? No. You do not need to improve your application, or redo/edit/modify part or all of your application. You were deferred because your application was already strong enough to make you a contender in the Regular Action round. Let your application stand. What about extra essays, recommendations, etc? You may send along anything (such as) that you feel would be helpful to the committee. We do not expect or require any of these things. Simply sending in additional materials does not by itself increase your chances of admission. What other advice do you have? You should check in with your guidance/college counselor. Often, their years of experience provide wisdom and insight into your particular situation. Theyre more than welcome to give our office a call if our decision isnt consistent with their experience, or just to talk about the process. Can I call admissions to find out The Reason why I was deferred? If you call in, we will not be able to tell you the reason why you were deferred, or what needs to be improved, simply because things are much more complex than just one reason why you were deferred. Usually, when I take a call from a deferred applicant, theres nothing that I see to be lacking or needing improvement most of our deferred students submitted very strong applications, the kinds of applications any school (including MIT) would love to have in their student body. Honestly. Im glad to see from the comments that most of you, while understandably disappointed, are remaining upbeat, continuing to work on other applications, and knowing that one year from now, youll be getting ready to take a holiday break from some really amazing school (maybe MIT) to spend some quality time with loved ones. Being an optimist, I know that things always turn out well in the end.
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