Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Progression of Civil Rights in the USA Essay - 657 Words
Civil rights are the rights guaranteed to the citizens of the specified location. When looking back at our history our civil rights have changed our life forever. Our civil rights were first introduced in 1787 as our Constitution. The Constitution states that any citizen is guaranteed the right to freedom of speech, of religion, and of press, and the rights to due process of law and to equal protection under the law. Civil Rights Acts and Movements helped define all of the civil rights but mainly who the rights were for and what freedom of religion, and equal protection under the law truly intended. Our civil rights are guaranteed to the citizens of the United States. When the constitution first came into affect there was still†¦show more content†¦This act allowed the federal government the powers to enforce desegregation (infoplease). This act helped allow the citizens of the United States be free to choose there own religion among other things. Although this act didn’t stop someone from shooting Malcolm X, for what was believed to be because he changed religion and beliefs. Malcolm X chose to leave the Black Muslim faith and took a favor in Orthodox Islam while deciding that he thought black and whites could get along (infoplease). This shows you that even with all the acts and movements that were taking place people still felt that blacks didn’t deserve to have the same rights as white people. The civil rights were written to allow everyone equal rights. The civil rights also claim that if you are a citizen you can have equal protection under the law. September 1957, just after the law to allow blacks and whites to attend the same school, nine black students on their way into their high school were blocked from entering the school on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. â€Å"President Eisenhower sends federal troops and the national Guard to intervene on behalf of the students, who become known as the â€Å"Little Rock Nine††(infoplease). This tells you that even though they were black the president still sent troops to help them. Another example of equal protection under the law was in 1961 when â€Å"James Meredith becomes the first blackShow MoreRelatedHow Far Did Us Presidents Hinder Rather Than Help the Development of African American Civil Rights in the Period from 1865-1941?1644 Words  | 7 Pagesthe development of African American civil rights in the period from 1865-1941? 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